My thoughts would be a service where you can bring in important and deteriorating documents, photos, or really any media type that is slowly becoming obsolete) and have them professionally photographed/scanned or converted and archived to preserve them longer. The contents would go into a database type library where you can then share it to a wide range of people from as little as just your family or the whole world. This could create a virtual/digital museum of history that future generations may not get to see other wise. The social media aspect to this preservation idea isn’t what its all about. Its more about preserving the documents an other media types for future generations to see. Making this content accessible to the masses would be great so that people can learn about smaller stories connecting them on a more personal level. I could see museums having a dedicated space to displaying the digital contents on large media screens where content can be interactive. There could be short personal videos from people “donating” the contents giving a back story about the piece. More still to come…
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